The best free diving video of all time, simply legendary!
I came across this a while back however it left one of the best impressions! Don’t know what is it about this clip that spoke to me, weather it was the tune, the drop, the climb back up, the way it’s filmed or is the fact that we all try to hold our breath with him as soon as he starts his dive…?!!
Not only is the dive super surreal and awesome, but the climb back up is just as remarkable as the dive!
Check it out and leave us any thoughts you have on that!
Now, the conclusion, Fiction or Real?
French World Champion: Yes. Capable of holding his breath for 4 minutes: Yes. However the video implies that he reached the bottom of Dean’s Blue Hole. No. The record free dive is 116 meters (380 feet), set April 2010 by William Trubridge. Deans Blue Hole is 202 meters (663 feet) deep. Nery landed on a shelf somewhere. Impressive, VERY MUCH SO!