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Ep 44 Rampart, MI 4, Sherlock Holmes 2, The Goon, Black Mirror

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Back in our mix, we recorded this episode before Xmas but the holiday cheer got the best of us and we’re only posting it now. This episode, we are joined by Cassam Looch from MovieVortex, who is the man in the know on the UK movie scene, also joining us for a second time is the always hilarious and insightful Adam Lowes from HeyUGuys.

Our main review is Rampart, the Woody Harrelson Oscar bait movie about a crooked cop in LA. Cassam follows that up with Mission Impossible 4 Ghost Protocol and Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows.

Adam gives his 2 cents on A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas and The Goon starring Sean William Scott. We eviscerate New Year’s Eve and praise the first episode of Charlie Brooker’s dark 3 part mini serie Black Mirror.

As usual hilarity ensues when we digress and talk about the merits of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s career and how nanny banging can hurt ones career prospects!


Let us know what you thought of the show in the comment section below!



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