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Who is the richest Cartoon Character?

Here are Upodcast we like to settle drunken arguments bringing world peace wherever we go, this is even more important with the FIFA World Cup around the corner.

Rap artist may have been flaunting their wealth openly the last few years but they have nothing on Cartoon characters who take ballin’ to a whole new level.

So if you have ever wondered who has the bigger Pimpin’ credentials in Cartoon terms, check out this awesome breakdown after the jump!

So be it the Gorrila vest or an Army of flying Monkeys, the guys at MADATOMS have figured it out for us.

Check out their site as they have some awesome things on it… I love the Quentin Tarantino manual too!

Click here for ful screen!

What other Cartoon Characters should be on this list? Let us know in the comment section below!


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